

Sustainability and Carbon Reduction

Reduced energy consumption for a smaller carbon footprint

At Matrix Specialty Lubricants, we understand the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and doing our part to protect the environment. That’s why we have made it a priority to use high-quality lubricants in all of our operations.

Our lubricants are specifically formulated to reduce energy consumption, which ultimately helps to lower our supply chain carbon emissions. By using lubricants that are more efficient, we are able to decrease the amount of energy required to keep the world’s machinery running, which in turn reduces our overall environmental impact.

We are proud to be a company that is committed to reducing our environmental impact in every way possible. Using high-quality lubricants is just one of the ways that we are able to do this. By making this choice, we are able to help protect the environment while also ensuring that our equipment is running at its best.

We value the importance of sustainability

Carbon Reduction

Our products reduce friction resulting in lower energy consumption which results in lower CO2 emission. Besides giving you safe operation of your food production equipment, you might consider grabbing this low hanging fruit and take these benefits also into consideration, an easy solution with high impact!

Biodegradable Products

With the latest technology, Matrix developed a range of biodegradable lubricants to help lessen the impact on the planet while providing the highest level of cost efficiency and performance.

Energy Efficiency

Energy consumption from equipment accounts for a substantial portion of an operation’s total energy usage. Reducing even a few percentage points can have significant effects over time.


Environmental Acceptable Lubricants brochure

In this brochure, we highlight our standard range of EAL (Environmental Acceptable Lubricants) but in case you are looking for a product not in this catalogue please contact us. We love and live for challenges! We have also tried to make this brochure more than only a listing of available products, we tried to make it educational sharing as much of information as possible for you to understand the world of EAL lubricants and greases.

Please fill in your e-mail address below, to download the brochure.