


Matrix Specialty Lubricants product assortment

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Cleanmax BIO 95

Highly effective biodegradable cleaner

This product is a biodegradable industrial cleaner and food-grade liquid degreaser/ cleaner, used for heavily contaminated surfaces, pumps, pipes, and floors. A biodegradable industrial cleaner like Cleanmax BIO 95 is very effective against vegetable or synthetic oil and can be used in high-pressure cleaners, inventing devices, or by hand. It works efficiently both with cold and hot water.

High pressure: Make a solution of 5-10% v/v. Measure the tap in such a way that the method is optimal: +/- 0.5% at the spray head and +/- 50°C.

Heavily soiled surfaces: make a solution of 10% to 20% in water according to the degree of pollution of the surface. Spray and rinse with high pressure.

Slightly soiled surfaces: make a solution of 5% to 10% v/v in water depending on the degree of pollution of the surface. Working method as above.

Manual: make a solution of 10% to 20% depending on the degree of pollution of the surface. Clean surface thoroughly with a sponge or brush. Rinse well.
Product can be used in detergent tanks (fire brigade). Product does not affect materials.
Concentration for pumps set to 3 or 6%.

  • Biodegradable
  • Can be diluted
  • Highly effective in use
  • Non-flammable
  • Non-toxic
  • User friendly

Available packaging

  • Productcode
  • 262100601
    Cleanmax BIO 95
    Pail 20ltr

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